low power ∙ portable ∙ homebrew
an informal amateur radio community based in Portland, Oregon
and focused on QRP in all its forms
announces the fourth annual
PNW SOTA ops in Washington, Idaho, British Columbia and Oregon will join the Socal and Colorado SOTA communities for another weekend of summit-to-summit QSOs.
Here are two ways you can join the party. If you are an activator:
1. Pick a hill or hills.
2. Send an email with your call sign, summit, and start time to pnwnqf at qrpdx dot org.
3. Post an alert on SOTAWatch, with a start time between 8AM and 1PM local.
3. Be on the air on 146.58MHz at 10AM local to make local S2S contacts.
4. Work the HF bands and make as many S2S contacts with ops participating in other S2S weekends like the Ham 14'er and SOTAfest!
If you are a chaser:
1. Check SOTAWatch alerts to see who is out.
2. Make contacts on 146.58MHz outside of the primary 1000AM to 1200PM S2S window.
3. Get on HF and make as many contacts as you can.
We will send a list of ops out to everyone that submits info via email. If you'd like to help with the event, send an email to
pnwnqf at qrpdx dot org.
More information may be posted over on the qrpdx@groups.io reflector.